Self Awareness Through Resilience

 “Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.” 

― Elizabeth Edwards

Resilience is an important trait that can be developed over time in anyone. Resiliency is the process of adapting  well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threat, or significant sources of stress. (American Psychological Association,2021) The video highlights how Michael Jordan and Walt Disney bounced back after facing rejection in their journeys. Hence through resilience, they were able to overcome these challenges and succeed.

I view resilience as a unique skill to always have, despite the situations we find ourselves in we still have the mindset to keep moving forward. With resilience we are capable of adapting and readjusting when faced with challenges. We have the grit that our situation is only temporary and that we will eventually prevail. When we find ourselves in these situations we gain tenacity, wisdom and growth.

To Infinity and SELfless Medicine!

​​Overall, the Mentorship in Medicine SEL program has given us a great perspective on enforcing social, emotional learning in our lives. Through lessons of resilience, networking, study strategies, and more, we were allowed to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses as a leader entering the health field while being given tips from professionals in the medical and academic field on how to improve on these aspects. As future medical professionals, our goals have always been to be leaders in the workplace, and with training such as SEL, we can develop these skills and be successful in the future.
